Monday, March 14, 2016

Some followups

For tonight's post, I thought I'd share a few news links revisiting old stories
  • The Guardian notes that British citizens of more, or less, recent Irish ancestry are looking for Irish passports so as to retain access to the European Union in the case of Brexit. (Net migration to the United Kingdom is up and quite strong, while Cameron's crackdown on non-EU migrants has led to labour shortages.
  • NPR notes one strategy to get fathers to take parental leave: Have them see other fathers take it.
  • Reuters notes that the hinterland of Fukushima, depopulated by natural and nuclear disaster, seems set to have been permanently depopulated. Tohoku
  • Bloomberg noted that East Asia's populations are aging rapidly, another article noting how Japan's demographic dynamics are setting a pattern for other high-income East Asian economies.
  • In Malaysia, the Star notes that low population growth among Malaysian Chinese will lead to a sharp fall in the Chinese proportion in the Malaysian population by 2040.
  • Coming to Alberta, CBC notes how the municipality of Fort McMurray has been hit very hard by the end of the oil boom, as has been Alberta's largest city and business centre of Calgary.
  • On the subject of North Korea and China, The Guardian wrote about the stateless children born to North Korean women in China, lacking either Chinese or North Korean citizenship.
  • The Inter Press Service notes that, as the Dominican Republic cracks down on Haitian migrants and people of Haitian background generally, women are in a particular situation.
  • IWPR provides updates on Georgia's continuing and ongoing rate of population shrinkage, a consequence of emigration.
  • On the subject of Cuba, the Inter Press Service reported on Cuban migrants to the United States stranded in Latin America, while Agence France-Presse looked at the plight of Cuba's growing cohort of elderly.


  1. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Unrelated, but I wonder what affect terrorist attacks have on demographics in the West. I have stumbled across articles studying the effects of terrorism in undeveloped countries, such as Nigeria, but I doubt there is much data to go on in the West.

    While the direct consequences - the deaths of tens or hundreds - are negligible, terrorism does increase support for the right wing parties - which are generally pro-natalist, but anti-immigration. Does the increased knowledge of the need for more children persuade a significant number of couples to have more children? Or does fear of the future persuade them to stay childless? How great is this effect compared to the reduction in immigration, and the fresh blood they provide?

    Another consequence is fear. Fear of death itself, IIRC, increases libido. The fear to go outside leads to boredom; little else to do but copulate. Does this lead to a spike in birth rates after terrorist attacks, much like football successes do in Germany, IIRC?

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