Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Some demographic news links

I've stored up a few, so please forgive me. I promise not to let the links accumulate quite so much.

  • The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reports debate on the extent to which Australia's rapidly growing population--possibly as high as 44 million by 2050!--will be driven by natural increase or immigration.

  • At Inter Press Service, Vesna Peric Zimonjic reveals the new phenomenon of Ukrainian (and even Albanian!) women marrying bachelors in rural Serbia.

  • Grace Puliyel has an article at allafrica.com examining the phenomenon of brain drain and remittances in the Kenyan context, particularly but not only examining South Asians.

  • New changes in British immigration policy allowing Ghurka soldiers to settle in that country may precipitate a mass exodus from at least one Nepalese town.

  • The Malta Independent announces that despite a rapidly falling total fertility rate, Malta's population grew not only because of continued natural increase but because of immigration, while the percentage of births outside marriage continues to grow.

  • The American state of Utah's traditionally high TFR is slowly converging to the American norm, and there's some conflict as to whether this is a good thing or not.

  • Finally, Reuters explores the growing number of Sudanese refugees and migrants in Egypt, and how crackdowns in Libya and Italy is encouraging many to try to flee to Israel.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Ukraine has been a primary source of mail-order brides for men in the United States. In the last few years, however, a federal law known by its acronym IMBRA (International Marriage Brokers Registration Act) has greatly curtailed that business. While most of the IMBRA discussion in the blogosphere focuses on the way it's made life harder for nerds in America, it's also complicated things for women in Ukraine who want to marry foreign men. In a way it's not surprising that some are marrying Serbian men, what with American men being largely off-limits.

